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Lab Description

our comprehensive penetration testing training labs are designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the cybersecurity field. this program offers hands-on experience in a variety of critical areas, ensuring that you gain practical expertise that is applicable in real-world scenarios. the training covers the following key skills: exploit development: learn the intricacies of finding and exploiting vulnerabilities in software applications. understand the process of crafting custom exploits, from initial discovery to successful execution. gain experience with techniques such as buffer overflows, rop (return oriented programming), and shellcode development. active directory (ad) pentesting: dive into the complexities of active directory environments and learn how to assess and exploit ad-related vulnerabilities. explore techniques for lateral movement, privilege escalation, and persistence within a network. develop skills in identifying misconfigurations and weaknesses in ad implementations. web pentesting: master the art of identifying and exploiting web application vulnerabilities. get hands-on experience with common web security issues such as sql injection, xss (cross-site scripting), csrf (cross-site request forgery), and more. learn how to use popular tools and frameworks to conduct thorough web application assessments. antivirus (av) evasion: understand the techniques used to bypass antivirus software and other security defenses. learn how to develop payloads and malware that can evade detection, a critical skill in advanced penetration testing. explore methodologies for obfuscating code and using legitimate system tools to achieve stealthy operations.


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Features And Skills

  Exploit development

  Active directory

  web pentesting

  AV evasion

Tips To Solve Lab

  fuzz the mentoring application

Scope Of Work

  Active directory

  AV evasion

  web pesntesting



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Bruce Weber
Ethan Wood
Lori Brewer